Introducing #OurPortland
About this Episode
October 23, 2019
Join Portland Mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone as she discusses the pressing issues facing Portland and the solutions we can put in place today to start solving them. You can send your questions into Sarah using the #OurPortland hashtag on social media, or by recording a voice memo on your phone and emailing it to [email protected].
¿Tiene una pregunta para Sarah? Mándesela al [email protected].
Announcer: [00:00] Welcome to #OurPortland, with Sarah Iannarone (made possible by contributors to Friends of Sarah for Portland). Portlanders have everything we need to make radical progress today on emergencies like climate chaos, housing affordability, and staggering inequality. Each episode we'll hear how Sarah plans to be the mayor to lead the city of Portland to a more equitable and sustainable future. And now, here's Sarah.
Sarah: [00:33] One of the advantages of running for office as a publicly financed candidate is the freedom to think outside the box. Ordinarily, candidates have to spend an awful lot of time in their office doing what's called dialing for dollars, which means asking people for money so they can get enough in their bank account to send out mailers, buy ad time on TV, and even pay people to knock on doors to connect with voters. But because of the public matching funds undergirding my campaign, I have the luxury of connecting with voters one-on-one in new and innovative ways. This podcast is a part of that. We are going to come to you, the people of Portland, every other week and talk with you directly about the issues that are going on at the time, how we're feeling about it, our policy positions, potential solutions, and how we can work together to solve our most pressing problems.
Sarah: [01:31] The conversation is going to be led by you. You can submit your questions and ideas via social media using the #OurPortland hashtag and I'll engage with those. We can talk frankly and authentically about the questions that are really troubling you, and we can talk about inspiring ideas and ways that we can come together to solve them. I'm grateful that the Open and Accountable Elections program is making this possible, but really it's going to be you engaging with us in the #OurPortland podcasts that's going to make this interesting and really take our city in a new direction through electoral politics as they haven't been seen before. We're facing some really tough challenges, Portland, but I believe that we have everything we need to begin addressing them today. Having this conversation via the #OurPortland podcast is a very good way to start, so I hope you'll subscribe to the #OurPortland podcast and I look forward to talking with you in our very first podcast coming out next week.
Announcer: [02:28] Thanks for listening to #OurPortland. Have a question for Sarah? Use the #OurPortland hashtag and send us a message on social media. If you appreciate a campaign with no BS, just straight talk on issues that matter, consider signing up to be a monthly supporter of $5, $10, or even $35 between now and election day in May, 2020. Find out more at sarah2020.com. This has been a production of Friends of Sarah for Portland.