
Here are just a few of the many incredible endorsers of this historic, grassroots campaign for Portland Mayor.
Titles and organization names listed are for identification purposes only.
Jo Ann HardestyCity Commissioner
Bernie SandersUnited States Senator
Karin PowerState Representative for House District 41
Khanh PhamDemocratic Nominee for House District 46
Mark GambaMayor of Milwaukie
Loretta SmithFormer Multnomah County Commissioner
Steve NovickFormer Portland City Commissioner
Athul K. AcharyaCivil Rights Attorney
Stephen GreenEntrepreneur
DeRay McKessonNational Black Lives Matter Organizer
Bobbin SinghCivil Rights Activist
Cameron WhittenCo-Founder, Black Resilience Fund
Bill McKibbenAuthor, Educator, Environmentalist
Candace AvalosPolice Accountability Advocate & Passionate Portlander
Aaron BrownTransportation Justice Advocate
Akash SinghOPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Aliza KaplanProfessor and Director, Criminal Justice Reform Clinic Lewis & Clark Law School
Rabbi Ariel StonePortland Interfaith Clergy Resistance
Bruce BroussardFormer Candidate for Portland Mayor
Catie GouldBikeLoudPDX
Chris FunkMusician
Ciara PresslerBusiness Owner
Crystal MaloneyAttorney and Social Justice Advocate
Darren GoldenCommunity Leader, Organizer
David MenschelDefense Attorney
David TurnbullAnti-Fossil Fuels Campaigner
Doyle CanningCo-founder, center for story-based strategy
Edward "Eddie" HillEquitable Food Oriented Development Specialist
Eli DescheraFounder of Radical Justice Party
Elliott YoungCo-Chair Portland Committee on Community Engaged Policing
Gregory McKelveyVice-Chair Democratic Party of Oregon Black Caucus
Henry KraemerHousing Activist
Hyung NamTeacher and community organizer
Ian KarmelComedian
Jackie YerbyActive Transportation Advocate
James OfsinkGood Government Reform Activist
James PoseyCo-Founder National Association of Minority Contractors; Former Chair, Black Parent Initiative
Jason KafouryCivil Rights Attorney
Jeff SelbyRacial Justice Activist
Jerome BrooksFormer Executive Director of Housing Oregon
Jonathan MausBike Portland
Karol CollymoreCommunity Volunteer
Kat McKelveyHousing and Data Activist
Nick CalebEnvironmental Attorney
Rita MoorePortland School Board Member
Dr. Roberta HunteAssistant Professor and Parent
Russell LumLabor-Community Organizer
Seemab HussainiCivil Rights Advocate
Shanice ClarkePortland Clean Energy Fund Grant Committee
Shaun KingActivist, journalist and bestselling author
Simon TamAuthor; The Slants
Suzie KassoufClimate Activist
Taji ChesimetExecutive Director of Raising Justice
Valdez BravoFormer Vice Chair of The Democratic Party of Oregon
Zakir KhanCivil Rights Advocate
Gravel Institute
Portland Neighbors Welcome
(A Grade)
Portland Tenants United